The Heartbeat of Oral Care: Understanding Dental Hygienists


The dentist in Leduc, Alberta, and their team of dental hygienists know the importance of good oral health. To optimize your oral health you must follow dental care protocols for healthy teeth and gums. Oral care often begins at home through regular brushing, flossing, a healthy diet, and good hydration. But is this sufficient? Current lifestyle and social trends like smoking and unhealthy eating habits can negatively impact your oral health. 

But dental care goes beyond regular home care. Dental hygienists help you achieve the desired oral wellness that home care alone cannot offer. dental specialists have much to offer you to reduce the risk of oral problems. Let’s find out more about dental hygienists. 

Who is a dental hygienist?

A dental hygienist is an oral healthcare professional who offers teeth cleanings, preventive dental care procedures, and oral hygiene counseling. These health providers work closely with your dentist to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Also known as an oral hygienist, they help maintain or improve your oral health in the long run. 

What is the role of a dental hygienist?

Dental hygienists play a significant role in maintaining oral health by performing an array of treatments, which include the following:

Dental history review

  • Your oral hygienist records your dental and overall health history. This helps your dentist understand your past dental experiences and goals for the future. 

Oral exam

  • Dental hygienists perform routine oral health screenings to check for cavities, gum disease, and signs of oral cancer and report the findings to your dentist. 

Dental X-Rays

  • Hygienists are also trained to take dental X-rays to help your dentist view your teeth, bones, sinus, etc., to diagnose oral problems. 

Dental cleanings 

  • A dental hygienist uses special instruments to remove plaque and tartar from your teeth surfaces. 
  • They will additionally polish your teeth and make them less vulnerable to plaque adhesion. 

Tooth scaling and root planing 

  • This procedure involves plays and tartar removal from beneath the surfaces of your gums where a regular brush cannot reach.
  • The roots are smoothed to prevent plaque and tartar from reattaching. 

Application of dental sealants

  • This is an effective preventive treatment offered by hygienists to seal deep pits and grooves of your back teeth to prevent plaque and bacterial accumulation. 
  • This can greatly reduce your risk of tooth decay.

Fluoride treatment

  • Topical fluorides applied by hygienists can greatly reduce the risk of cavities, especially in children.

Oral hygiene counseling

  • Your hygienists can guide you to follow proper oral hygiene habits for the welfare of your oral health.
  • They teach you the correct brushing and flossing techniques.

Dental hygienists play a key role in helping you maintain healthy teeth and gums. They promote oral wellness by offering you several treatments that are needed beyond regular brushing and flossing at home. Discuss your goals and expectations with your dental hygienists to reap maximum benefits for dental procedures offered.